
Configure VerneMQ Logging.

Console Logging

Where should VerneMQ emit the default console log messages (which are typically at info severity):

log.console = off | file | console | both

VerneMQ defaults to log the console messages to a file, which can specified by:

log.console.file = /path/to/log/file

This option defaults to /var/log/vernemq/console.log for Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL and Docker installs.

The default console logging level info could be setting one of the following:

log.console.level = debug | info | warning | error

Error Logging

VerneMQ log error messages by default. One can change the default behaviour by setting:

log.error = on | off

VerneMQ defaults to log the error messages to a file, which can specified by:

log.error.file = /path/to/log/file

This option defaults to /var/log/vernemq/error.log for Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL and Docker installs.

Crash Logging

VerneMQ log crash messages by default. One can change the default behaviour by setting:

log.crash = on | off

VerneMQ defaults to log the crash messages to a file, which can specified by:

log.crash.file = /path/to/log/file

This option defaults to /var/log/vernemq/crash.log for Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL and Docker installs.

The maximum sizes in bytes of inidividual messages in the crash log defaults to 64KB but can be specified by:

log.crash.maximum_message_size = 64KB

VerneMQ rotate crash logs. By default, the crash log file is rotated at midnight or when the size exceeds 10MGB. This behaviour can be changed by setting:

## Acceptable values:
##   - a byte size with units, e.g. 10GB
log.crash.size = 10MB

## For acceptable values see https://github.com/basho/lager/blob/master/README.md#internal-log-rotation
log.crash.rotation = $D0

The default number of rotated log files is 5 and can be set with the option:

log.crash.rotation.keep = 5


VerneMQ supports logging to SysLog, enable it by setting:

log.syslog = on

Logging to SysLog is disabled by default.

Last updated

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