VerneMQ can be installed on CentOS-based systems using the binary package we provide.
Once you have downloaded the binary package, execute the following command to install VerneMQ:
Once you've installed VerneMQ, start it on your node:
You can verify that VerneMQ is successfully installed by running:
If VerneMQ has been installed successfully vernemq
is returned.
Now that you've installed VerneMQ, check out How to configure VerneMQ.
A quick and simple guide to get started with VerneMQ
VerneMQ is a high-performance, distributed MQTT message broker. It scales horizontally and vertically on commodity hardware to support a high number of concurrent publishers and consumers while maintaining low latency and fault tolerance. To use it, all you need to do is install the VerneMQ package.
Choose your OS and follow the instructions:
It is also possible to run VerneMQ using our Docker image:
If you built VerneMQ from sources, you can add the /bin
directory of your VerneMQ release to PATH
. For example, if you compiled VerneMQ in the /home/vernemq
directory, then add the binary directory (/home/vernemq/_build/default/rel/vernemq/bin
) to your PATH, so that VerneMQ commands can be used in the same manner as with a packaged installation.
To start a VerneMQ broker, use the vernemq start command in your Shell:
A successful start will return no output. If there is a problem starting the broker, an error message is printed to STDERR
To run VerneMQ with an attached interactive Erlang console:
A VerneMQ broker is typically started in console mode for debugging or troubleshooting purposes. Note that if you start VerneMQ in this manner, it is running as a foreground process that will exit when the console is closed.
You can close the console by issuing this command at the Erlang prompt:
Once your broker has started, you can initially check that it is running with the vernemq ping command:
The command will respond with pong
if the broker is running or Node <NodeName> not responding to pings
in case it’s not.
As you may have noticed, VerneMQ will warn you at startup when your system’s open files limit (ulimit -n
) is too low. You’re advised to increase the OS default open files limit when running VerneMQ. Read more about why and how in the Open Files Limit documentation.
VerneMQ comes with a simple file-based password authentication mechanism which is enabled by default. If you don't need this it can be disabled by setting:
Per default VerneMQ doesn't accept any client that hasn't been configured using vmq-passwd
. If you want to change this and accept any client connection you can set:
Warning: Setting allow_anonymous=on
completely disables authentication in the broker and plugin authentication hooks are never called! See more information about the authentication hooks here.
In a production setup we recommend to use the provided password based authentication mechanism or implement your own authentication plugins.
VerneMQ periodically checks the specified password file.
The check interval defaults to 10 seconds and can also be defined in the vernemq.conf
Setting the password_reload_interval = 0
disables automatic reloading.
Both configuration parameters can also be changed at runtime using the vmq-admin
is a tool for managing password files for the VerneMQ broker. Usernames must not contain ":"
, passwords are stored in similar format to crypt(3).
How to use vmq-passwd
Creates a new password file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
Deletes the specified user from the password file.
This option can be used to upgrade/convert a password file with plain text passwords into one using hashed passwords. It will modify the specified file. It does not detect whether passwords are already hashed, so using it on a password file that already contains hashed passwords will generate new hashes based on the old hashes and render the password file unusable. Note, with this option neither usernames or passwords may contain
The password file to modify.
The username to add/update/delete.
Add a user to a new password file: (you can choose an arbitrary name for the password file, it only has to match the configuration in the VerneMQ configuration file).
Delete a user from a password file
The original version of vmq-passwd
was developed by Roger Light (roger@atchoo.org).
includes :
software developed by the [OpenSSL
Project](http://www.openssl.org/) for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit.
cryptographic software written by Eric Young
software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com)
VerneMQ comes with a simple ACL based authorization mechanism which is enabled by default. If you don't need this it can be disabled by setting:
VerneMQ periodically checks the specified ACL file.
The check interval defaults to 10 seconds and can also be defined in the vernemq.conf
Setting the acl_reload_interval = 0
disables automatic reloading.
Both configuration parameters can also be changed at runtime using the vmq-admin
Topic access is added with lines of the format:
Only one space should be put between the topic and the preceeding keyword. Extra spaces will be interpreted as part of the topic! Also note that the ACL parser doesn't accept empty lines between entries.
The access type is controlled using read
or write
. If not provided then read an write access is granted for the topic
. The topic
can use the MQTT subscription wildcards +
or #
The first set of topics are applied to all anonymous clients (assuming allow_anonymous = on
). User specific ACLs are added after a user line as follows (this is the username not the client id):
It is also possible to define ACLs based on pattern substitution within the the topic. The form is the same as for the topic keyword, but using pattern as the keyword.
The patterns available for substitution are:
to match the client id of the client
to match the username of the client
The substitution pattern must be the only text for that level of hierarchy. Pattern ACLs apply to all users even if the user keyword has previously been given.
VerneMQ currently doesn't cancel active subscriptions in case the ACL file revokes access for a topic.
Anonymous users are allowed to
publish & subscribe to topic bar.
publish to topic foo.
subscribe to topic all.
User john is allowed to
publish & subscribe to topic foo.
subscribe to topic baz.
publish to topic all.
VerneMQ can be installed on Debian or Ubuntu-based systems using the binary package we provide.
Once you have downloaded the binary package, execute the following command to install VerneMQ:
You can verify that VerneMQ is successfully installed by running:
If VerneMQ has been installed successfully Status: install ok installed
is returned.
Once you've installed VerneMQ, start it on your node:
The whereis vernemq
command will give you a couple of directories:
VerneMQ supports multiple ways to authenticate and authorize new client connections using a database.
VerneMQ supports authentication and authorization using a number of popular databases and the below sections describe how to configure the different databases.
The database drivers are handled using the vmq_diversity
plugin and it therefore needs to be enabled:
The vmq_diversity
plugin makes it possible to extend VerneMQ using Lua. The documentation can be found .
When using database based authentication/authorization the enabled-by-default file based authentication and authorization are most likely not needed and should be disabled:
You must set allow_anonymous = off
, otherwise VerneMQ won't use the database plugin for authentication and authorization.
In order to use a database for authentication and authorization the database must be properly configured and the auth-data (username, clientid, password, acls) to be present. The following sections show some sample requests that can be used to insert such data.
While the handling of authentication differs among the different databases, the handling of ACLs is roughly identical and make use of a JSON array containing one or many ACL objects per configured client.
The database integrations will cache the ACLs when the client connects avoiding expensive database lookups for each publish or subscribe message. The cache entries are evicted when the client disconnects.
A minimal publish & subscribe ACL JSON object takes the following form:
General ACL
The pattern is a MQTT topic string that can contain MQTT wildcards, but also the template variables %m
(mountpoint), %u
(username), and %c
(client id) which are automatically substituted with the auth data provided.
Publish ACL
The publish ACL makes it possible to control the maximum QoS and payload size that is allowed, and if the message is allowed to be retained.
Moreover, the publish ACL makes it possible to modify the properties of a published message through specifying one or multiple modifiers
. Please note that the modified message isn't re-validated by the ACL.
Subscribe ACL
The subscribe ACL makes it possible to control the maxium QoS a client is allowed to subscribe to.
Like the publish ACL, the subscribe ACL makes it possible to change the current subscription request by returning a custom set of topic/qos pairs. Please note that the modified subscription isn't re-validated by the ACL.
When deciding on which database to use one has to consider which kind of password hashing and key derivation functions are available and required. Different databases provide different mechanisms, for example PostgreSQL provides the pgcrypto
module which supports verifying hashed and salted passwords, while Redis has no such features. VerneMQ therefore also provides client-side password verification mechanisms such as bcrypt
There is a trade-off between verifying passwords on the client-side versus on the server-side. Verifying passwords client-side of course means doing the computations on the VerneMQ broker and this takes away resources from other tasks such as routing messages. With hashing functions such as bcrypt
which are designed specifically to be slow (proportional to the number of rounds) in order to make brute-force attacks infeasible, this can become a problem. For example, if verifying a password with bcrypt
takes 0.5 seconds then on a single threaded core 2 verifications/second are possible and using 4 single threaded cores 8 verifications/second. So, the number of rounds/security paramenters have a direct impact on the max number of verifications/second and hence also the maximum arrival rate of new clients per second.
For each database it is specified which password verification mechanisms are available and if they are client-side or server-side.
To enable PostgreSQL authentication and authorization the following need to be configured in the vernemq.conf
PostgreSQL hashing methods:
The following SQL DDL must be applied, the pgcrypto
extension is required if using the server-side crypt
hashing method:
To enter new ACL entries use a query similar to the following:
To enable PostgreSQL authentication and authorization the following need to be configured in the vernemq.conf
Notice that if the CockroachDB installation is secure, then TLS is required. If using an insecure installation without TLS, then vmq_diversity.cockroachdb.ssl
can be set to off
CockroachDB hashing methods:
The following SQL DDL must be applied:
To enter new ACL entries use a query similar to the following, the example is for the bcrypt
hashing method:
For MySQL authentication and authorization configure the following in vernemq.conf
MySQL hashing methods:
It should be noted that all the above options stores unsalted passwords which are vulnerable to rainbow table attacks, so the threat-model should be considered carefully when using these. Also note the methods marked with *
are no longer considered secure hashes.
The following SQL DDL must be applied:
To enter new ACL entries use a query similar to the following, the example uses PASSWWORD
to for password hashing:
The default password
method has been deprecated since MySQL 5.7.6 and not usable with MySQL 8.0.11+. Also, the MySQL authentication method caching_sha2_password
is not supported. This is the default in MySQL 8.0.4 and later, so you need to add: default_authentication_plugin=mysql_native_password
under [mysqld] in e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf.
For MongoDB authentication and authorization configure the following in vernemq.conf
MongoDB hashing methods:
Insert the ACL using the mongo
shell or any software library. The passhash
property contains the bcrypt hash of the clients password.
For Redis authentication and authorization configure the following in vernemq.conf
Redis hashing methods:
Insert the ACL using the redis-cli
shell or any software library. The passhash
property contains the bcrypt hash of the clients password. The key is an encoded JSON array containing the mountpoint, username, and client id. Note that no spaces are allowed between the array items.
Note, currently bcrypt version 2a
(prefix $2a$
) is supported.
Everything you must know to properly configure VerneMQ
Every VerneMQ node has to be configured. Depending on the installation method and chosen platform the configuration file vernemq.conf
resides at different locations. If VerneMQ was installed through a Linux package the default location for the configuration file is /etc/vernemq/vernemq.conf
A single setting is handled on one line.
Lines are structured Key = Value
Any line starting with # is a comment, and will be ignored
You certainly want to try out VerneMQ right away. For that you could disable authentication like so:
Set allow_anonymous = on
By default the vmq_acl
authorization plugin is enabled and configured to allow publishing and subscribing to any topic, see for more information.
Warning: Setting allow_anonymous=on
completely disables authentication in the broker and plugin authentication hooks are never called! See more information about the authentication hooks . Further, in a production system you should configure vmq_acl
to be less permissive or configure some other plugin to handle authorization.
Now that you've installed VerneMQ, check out .
Note, the PASSWORD()
hashing method needs to be changed according to the configuration set in vmq_diversity.mysql.password_hash_method
, it supports the options password
, md5
, sha1
and sha256
. Learn more about the MySQL equivalent for those methods on .